Think about the emotional experience of those healing
Healthcare spaces ought to convey comfort, wellness, security, and a sense of home. Helping people get better begins with helping them feel better.

Supporting the people helping others heal
Well-designed environments can also provide caregivers with a sense of pride in their work, increase their efficiency and effectiveness, minimize the risk of contamination, and cultivate their own wellness, as well as their patents.
Focusing on the entire continuum of care
We developed our Carolina portfolio, enhanced by the rest of our OFS products, to meet the needs of a full-facility design, supporting the healing process for caregivers, patients, and guests.

Featured success stories
We love to help people create incredibly welcoming, comfortable, and productive places. Read through a curated collection of recent success stories.
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Carolina and OFS are proud partners with the following healthcare group purchasing organizations
Benefits to members include: savings through aggregated purchasing, all of our products included, access to our Quickship program, and local dealer engagement. Contact your local OFS/Carolina rep.
Human needs
Patients, guests, residents, and caregivers coexist and interact perpetually in caregiving spaces,
and providing and receiving care takes each person through many different places. In order to create
positive spaces for care, it is important for everyone along the way to have the smart, comfortable
support they need for better experiences. After decades of thinking about human needs and
creating furniture to support them, we’ve focused on meeting four fundamental human needs.
and providing and receiving care takes each person through many different places. In order to create
positive spaces for care, it is important for everyone along the way to have the smart, comfortable
support they need for better experiences. After decades of thinking about human needs and
creating furniture to support them, we’ve focused on meeting four fundamental human needs.